Due to my own mental health issues as well as those of some of my readers, I have decided to delve into creating shorter books instead of only regular size books.  Each mini book will focus only on one brief topic, making them less overwhelming on the deeper topics.  They also mean you can purchase books that focus only on what interests you rather than a larger book that may contain topics of little or no interest to you.


The Biblical Perspectives On Narcissism Series:


The Basics Of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Are you in a relationship with someone who is incredibly selfish? Cold? Manipulative? Are you unable to identify exactly why you feel this way? You may be involved with a narcissist.

“The Basics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder” was written to help you. It is the first in the “A Biblical Perspective on Narcissism” mini book series designed to help you to understand narcissists and ways to cope with them.

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Ways Narcissists Abuse and How to Cope

Narcissists us a plethora of abusive tactics. “Ways Narcissists Abuse and How to Cope” explains many of them as well as offers tips on how to cope.

This book is a part of the series of mini books “Biblical Perspective on Narcissism” mini books series written to aid and empower victims.

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Should I End My Relationship with a Narcissist?

Ending a relationship is never easy. It is even harder when the relationship is with a narcissist. It is never as simple as “just go no contact.”

“Should I End My Relationship with a Narcissist?” was written to help you decide if you should end the relationship, the best way to do it, and what you may expect after it is over. This book is part of the “A Biblical Perspective on Narcissism” mini book series.

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The Biblical Perspectives Series:

A Biblical Perspectives Mini Book The Pain of Being Your Parent’s Parent: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults

Many teens and young adults are in a miserable relationship with their parents, because their parents expect them to take care of their parents rather than their parents taking care of them. This is a highly dysfunctional and toxic dynamic, yet sadly also a common one.

“The Pain of Being Your Parent’s Parent: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults” was written to help young people in this situation. This mini book explains the psychology of this behavior, the damage it can cause, ways to cope and more. It also includes a Biblical view of the commandment to honor one’s parents. (Hint- it does not mean children must blindly obey their parents or sacrifice everything for them!)

This book is written from a Christian Perspective.

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A Biblical Perspectives Mini Book: How to Honor Abusive Parents


Following the Biblical commandment to honor your parent when your parent is abusive can feel impossible. This book will help you learn what it truly means to honor your parent God’s way. It also will help you to learn how to honor yourself at the same time.

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A Biblical Perspectives Mini Book: Loving Someone with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or C-PTSD, is a natural result of experiencing ongoing trauma.

Living with C-PTSD is obviously very challenging at best, but it is not just those with the disorder who struggle. People who love those with the disorder often struggle as well. They struggle with witnessing their loved one in pain and also with figuring out ways they can help.

“A Biblical Perspectives Mini Book: Loving Someone with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” was written from a Biblical perspective to inform and give hope to those in this painful situation.

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