Narcissistic Personality Disorder and narcissistic abuse:


“How Close is Too Close: When Close Families are Dysfunctional”

“How Close is Too Close: When Close Families are Dysfunctional” explores the complexities of families who are too deeply involved in each others’ lives and offers suggestions to cope with this toxic behavior.

This book is written from a Christian perspective.

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“My Narcissistic Abuse Healing Journal”


This Christian based journal was created to help make your healing journey from narcissistic abuse a little bit easier.

Each month focuses on one event, and each week in that month focuses on one aspect of the event.

Scriptures are included to inspire and comfort you.

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“When A Narcissistic Parent Dies: Expanded Version”

Losing a parent is an incredibly painful and difficult experience under the best of circumstances.  Losing a narcissistic parent is not only painful and difficult, but also filled with complicated emotions and circumstances.

“When a Narcissistic Parent Dies: Expanded Version” was originally written to help readers find ways to cope during this challenging time, deal with those who do not understand, and make difficult decisions such as whether or not to visit a dying parent or attend the funeral. More information was later added later to these issues as well as what to do if designated personal representative.

Book written from a Christian perspective.

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“Regrettably Related: A Guide to Toxic In-laws”

Do you struggle to get along with any of your in-laws? Is nothing you do good enough? Is this person simply toxic? You may be dealing with someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

“Regrettably Related: A Guide to Toxic In-laws” offers a Christian perspective on this incredibly challenging situation. In this book, you will learn what you can expect from toxic in-laws, ways to cope with their abusive behavior, things to consider if you are contemplating ending the relationship and also ways to cope with a spouse who sees no problems with the situation.

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“When Love Hurts: Loving A Narcissist”

Do you wonder what is wrong with your marriage?  Is your spouse extremely self centered, manipulative and just plain mean?  If so, you may be married to a narcissist.

“When Love Hurts: Loving a Narcissist” offers a Christian perspective on this difficult situation.  It also will teach you about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, identifying narcissists, ways to cope with their abusive behavior and help you decide whether to stay or leave. 

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“When A Narcissistic Parent Dies”

Losing a parent is an incredibly painful and difficult experience under the best of circumstances.  Losing a narcissistic parent is not only painful and difficult, but also filled with complicated emotions and circumstances.

“When a Narcissistic Parent Dies” is designed to help the reader find ways to cope during this challenging time, create ways to deal with people who do not understand, as well as help the reader make difficult decisions such as whether or not to visit a dying parent or attend the funeral.

Written from a Christian perspective.

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“In Sheep’s Clothing:  All About Covert Narcissists”

Do you know someone others think is very kind, caring and maybe even a bit naive, yet possesses a vicious side that only you have seen?  You may be in the presence of a covert narcissist. 

These evil people abuse in devious, sneaky ways while hiding behind a mask of kindness, martyrdom and innocence.  They are among the most dangerous people in society, yet they often go unnoticed.

“In Sheep’s Clothing: All About Covert Narcissists” will help you to learn to identify and cope with these dangerous people, as well as show you ways to heal from their abuse.

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“The Truth About Elderly Narcissists”

Contrary to popular belief, narcissists often do change.  As they age, they frequently become even more difficult and abusive.  

“The Truth About Elderly Narcissists” was created to help those who are faced with the unique challenges of dealing with or caring for elderly narcissists.

Written from a Biblical perspective.

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“Emerging From The Chrysalis”

“Emerging From The Chrysalis” is a story of surviving abuse and how to conquer its pain.

In this inspiring book, the author describes her own painful experiences with the various forms of psychological abuse (verbal, mental and emotional abuse), as well as how she moved from the role of victim to survivor.

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“It’s Not You, It’s Them: When People Are More Than Selfish”

There are many selfish, entitled, arrogant, manipulative people in society today.  They are at work, in social circles, and even in your family.  These abusive people can wreak havoc by draining your finances, damage your self-esteem, and even make you feel as if you are losing your mind.

The purpose of this book is to help you learn ways to cope with them as well as to heal the damage they have done to you.

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“Children and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Guide for Parents”


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a very common problem in society today, and children are very often victims.  They need to understand what is happening, and that it is not their fault.  

This book will help you to learn how to talk to your child about this difficult subject, no matter your child’s age.  Whether the narcissist you know is a friend, relative or even the other parent, this book can help you.

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“Life After Narcissistic Abuse: There Is Healing and Hope”

Narcissistic abuse is among the most painful and traumatic things anyone can endure.  It destroys your self-esteem, your perception of yourself and others, and more.  

In “Life After Narcissistic Abuse: There Is Healing and Hope” the author describes not only the various and sometimes unexpected types of problems narcissistic abuse causes, but also ways to help yourself heal. 

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“It’s All About ME! The Facts About Maternal Narcissism”

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is an unashamed disregard for other people, except for how they can be used. This entitled behavior is devastating, but especially for a narcissist’s child.

Drawing on her experiences with her narcissistic mother, the author explains Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the problems it causes, as well as ways to heal, and to manage a relationship with narcissistic parent or sever ties with them, all from a Christian perspective.

Although this book is written from the perspective of a daughter with a narcissistic mother, the information is also pertinent to sons of narcissistic mothers or those with narcissistic fathers.

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“You Are Not Alone!”

Is your mother difficult or even abusive? Is she cruel, controlling or mentally ill? Does time with her leave you drained, frustrated or crying? Do you believe no one understands your pain? Have you been told to “get over it,” “stop living in the past,” or made to feel ashamed of yourself for being upset with your mother, even by those who know how much she hurts you?

“You Are Not Alone!” tackles the taboo topic of abusive mothers from a Christian perspective. It discusses various types of abusive mothers, problems caused by abuse, getting to the root of problems to heal, and ways to cope. This book also teaches ways of dealing with dysfunctional parents, as well as tough topics such as how do you honor your abusive parents, what do you owe aging and abusive parents, and deciding whether or not to end the relationship with your mother.

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“From Heartbreak to Healing: A Guide for Healing from Broken Trust”

“From Heartbreak to Healing: A Guide for Healing from Broken Trust” is a compassionate, impactful book offering essential insights and practical advice for those grappling with the emotional turmoil of broken trust. Aimed at those who may feel overwhelmed by lengthy texts, this concise guide provides a clear understanding of the ups and downs they can expect during this journey, effective strategies for recovery, and what to consider to help decide whether to continue their relationship or move forward independently. Packed with valuable information, this book empowers readers to reclaim their peace of mind and resilience in the face of heartbreak.

This book is written from a Biblical perspective.

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“A Witness Of Faith”

“[No] you yourselves are our letter of recommendation (our credentials), written in your hearts, to be known (perceived, recognized) and read by everybody.” (2 Corinthians 3:2, AMP)

Many Christians know this verse, but how many consider the seriousness of it? As a Christian, are you aware that people are watching you, to see if you are serious about your faith?

God takes our witness of what we believe very seriously, as should His children. This book will encourage you, show you to be a shining example of your Christian faith, and improve your relationship with God, yourself, and your fellow man.

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“All I Know About Marriage…I Learned The Hard Way!”

Anyone who has been married for any amount of time knows that marriage is full of challenges. Most married couples face differences in personalities, in-law problems, financial issues and more. Some couples are also faced with even more serious issues such as infidelity and abuse. 

This book will teach wives that it is possible for one person to improve a marriage. It also teaches women that being good to themselves is beneficial not only to their own happiness, but to their marriage as well.

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“Romantic Inspirations”

How to put the romance back in your marriage. If the flames of love are dimming in your relationship, then this book will tell you how to turn up the heat once again! Offers a Biblical perspective on love and romance

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“Facets Of Love”


Poetry about the various stages of love. Makes a wonderful gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s day, birthdays, etc. for the one you love.

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mental health:


“Baptism of Joy”

By following the basic principles in this book, you too can overcome situational depression. I am living proof that the principles in this book work.

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“Lessons From The Heart: What Animals Have Taught Me About Life And Love”

There is much more to our animal companions than meets the eye. They are far wiser than the casual observer realizes, and can teach humans a great deal about life.

In this book, the author details some valuable life lessons she learned from her own pets over the years that have helped her to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

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“Pawprints On Our Hearts”

Animals are God’s special gift to humanity. This book will show you the many things that the Bible has to say about animals, such as their purpose on Earth, what they need from human beings, whether or not they go to heaven and more. Personal experiences by the author and pictures of her own pets are included as well.

“Pawprints On Our Hearts” is designed to give you an entirely new perspective on our animal friends- to help you view them as God does- and to improve your experiences with our animal companions. May this book bless you and yours!

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