Since many of my followers have told me they learn best by reading or have sensory processing issues, I decided to make available my notes from my podcasts and YouTube videos available.

You may notice some podcasts and videos share very similar or even almost identical information.  That is because I believe it discussing what God puts on my heart.  Sometimes what He wants people to know is a repeat of previous information because they need a reminder.  One preacher I used to watch on TV said that she learned early on God didn’t always want her to share a “new” word.  Sometimes He wanted her to share a “now” word.  I’ve experienced the same thing with my work.

All notes are in .pdf format, so you will need Adobe Reader or another .pdf viewer to read them.  Feel free to download as many as you like.  When you click on the link, the notes will open in a separate window for you to read and/or download.

If you wish to use them for any reason other than for your personal reference, please contact me for permission at   Thank you!


A Common Dynamic In Narcissistic Families Fear Of Facing The Truth

A Commonly Ignored Narcissistic Behavior

A Different Facet Of Triangulation

A Message For My Younger Followers

A Subtle Sign Of Control No One Warns You About: Not Being Willing To Work On The Relationship

A Way To Stump Narcissists

About Anger In Adult Children Of Narcissistic Parents

About Bad C-PTSD Days

About Being The Bigger Person

About Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, aka C-PTSD

About Disproprotionate Anger In Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse

About Emotional Intelligence Shaming

About False Strength  

About Guilt After The Death Of A Narcissistic Parent

About Harassment And Stalking 

About Irritable Gratitude Syndrome 

About Narcissistic Friends

About Narcissists And Respect

About Non Apologies 

About Passive Aggressive Behavior 

About Self Validation

About The Consummate Victim 

About Toxic In-Laws, parts 1 and 2

Aging And Narcissists

Anger Can Be A Useful Tool

Anticipation Stress

Anxiety With C-PTSD

Are Narcissists Ever Sorry

Are You Thinking Of Reconnecting With Someone


Bad Decisions And Narcissists

Behaviors Most People Do Not Consider Abusive But Are

Being Your Parent’s Parent

Body Memories

Brain Fog After Trauma

Busyness An Unhealthy Trauma Based Way To Cope


C-PTSD Is A Real Mental Disorder, Not About Seeking Attention Or Pity

Childish Behaviors In Narcissists

Common Ways Narcissists Get Attention

Comparing Your Struggles To Someone Else’s Is NOT Good

Compassion Fatigue

Coping When Gaslighting Happens

Christian Narcissists


Dealing With Foolish, Critical People

Dealing With People Who Don’t Understand Mental Illness

Deciding Whether Or Not To Go No Contact

Depression During The Holiday Season

Discrediting The Victim

Discussing Abuse

Do Narcissists Know Right From Wrong

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

Don’t Let Anyone Silence You

Dysfunctional Behaviors Of People Raised By Narcissistic Parents

Dysfunctional Families And The Holidays

Dysfunctional Family Gatherings

Dysfunctional Ways Narcissists Cope – Reinventing The Past

Dysfunctional Ways Narcissists Cope – Retroactive Justification


Eight Things You Never Should Do With A Narcissist

Emotional Incest, Covert Incest, Parentification, Parentalization

Empathy vs Codependency

Encouragement For The Weak

Engulfing vs Ignoring Narcissistic Mothers


Executive Dysfunction After Narcissistic Abuse

Extreme Independence Is A Trauma Response


Face Mask Related Anxiety

Feeling As If You Were Reborn

Feeling Like You Must Forget Yourself To Focus On Others In Relationships

Feigning Ignorance

Financial Abuse

Fixing Your Narcissistic Parent’s Problems Is Not A Good Idea


Flying Monkeys

For Adult Children Who Went No Contact With Narcissistic Parents

For Anyone Who Has Gone No Contact With Their Abusive Parent

For Male Victims Of Abusive Women

For Those Who Judge Victims For Tolerating The Abuse

For Those Who Blindly Support Parents Whose Children Have Severed Ties With Them

Forever The Victim – A Narcissistic Tactic




Getting To Know Yourself After Narcissistic Abuse

Ghosting aka The INFJ Door Slam 

Going No Contact Doesn’t Fix Everything

Grief After Narcissistic Abuse  


Handling A Smear Campaign  

Help For When Places Or Items Trigger Painful Memories Or Flashbacks

Helpful Routines For Highly Sensitive People

Highly Functional Versus Highly Dysfunctional

Hoovering Tactics

How Childhood Trauma Affects Adults

How Families Protect Their Narcissist

How Feeling Your Feelings Helps Your Mental Health

How Many Abuse Victims Process Negative Emotions 

How Narcissists Abuse Without Lifting A Finger

How Narcissists Convince Victims We’re The Problem

How Narcissists Fool Their Victims

How Narcissists Handle Health Crises

How Narcissists Use Shame As A Weapon, parts 1 and 2 

How People Revictimize Survivors Of Narcissistic Abuse 

How To Cope When Narcissists Shift The Blame To You

How To Deal With Guilt Trips

How To Go No Contact

How To Handle A Smear Campaign

How To Know If A Narcissist Is Serious About Changing Their Abusive Behavior

How Untruths Can Become A Part Of You 

Hyper Vigilance   


Identifying Flying Monkeys vs Those Who Are Duped By Narcissists

If Someone Has Not Proven Themselves Safe They May Be Proving Themselves Unsafe


Is Confronting Abusive Parents Biblical

Is It Really The Most Wonderful Time Of Year

It Is Still Abuse If..


Lies Narcissistic Parents Tell Their Children

Life With High Functioning C-PTSD

Love Requires Evidence


Marrying Into A Narcissistic Family

Morbid Envy

More Than Just Fight Or Flight


Narcissistic Families Are Similar To Cults

Narcissistic Grandparents

Narcissistic In-Laws And The Ex, parts 1 and 2 

Narcissistic Parents Who Abuse Their Adult Children

Narcissists And Cars

Narcissists And Food

Narcissists And Gift Giving

Narcissists Don’t Believe When Others Are Sick Or Injured

Narcissists Stalk Their Victims Online

Nightmares And C-PTSD

No Contact vs The Silent Treatment

Nostalgia After Trauma

Not Every Cause Can Be Yours


One Way To Minimize Anxiety


Parentalizing And The Shame It Causes

Parents Who Demand Their Adult Children Spend Holidays WIth Them

Passive Aggressive Behavior

People Who Believe Their Opinions Are The Only Right Ones

Personality Traits That Turn Off Narcissists

Phrases To Shut Down Narcissists

Preventing Narcissists From Wanting You Back


Recognizing And Dealing With Covert Narcissists

Regarding Snooping Narcissists

Reinventing The Past As An Unhealthy Coping Skill

Responding vs Reacting To Narcissistic Behavior

Ruminating Thoughts



Setting Simple Boundaries With Narcissistic Parents

Shock And Abuse

Signs Of Toxic People In Relationships 

Signs Your Mental Health May Be In Danger

Simple Answers Are The Best

Sneaky Ways Narcissists Abuse Their Victims

Some Passive Aggressive Ways Narcissists Abuse Victims

Some Reasons People Try To Stop You From Talking About Narcissistic Abuse

Some Simple Things You Can Do To Add Joy To Your Life

Some Victim Shaming Comments

Some Ways To Cope With Triggers

Subtle Signs Of A Dysfunctional, Abusive Family

Subtle Signs Of Disrespect


Tactics Used By Narcissists Nit Picking And Changing The Goal

Take Your Power Back From The Narcissist  

The Differences In Understanding Your Abuser And Justifying Abuse

The Double Bind No Win Situation

The Facts About Coercive Control

The Lens Of Victim-Hood

The SIlent Treatment And No Contact What Are The Differences

The Value Of Detoxing From Emotionally Incestuous (Enmeshed) Family

Things People Wrongly Say Are Victims Responsibility

Things That Scare Narcissists

Things To Be Aware Of After Going No Contact

Two Types Of Narcissists, part 1 Overt Narcissists

Two Types Of Narcissists, part 2 Covert Narcissists


Unconventional Grief After Narcissistic Abuse

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior

Understanding The Impact Of Small Things On Relationships

Using Christianity As A Means To Justify Abuse


Victims Do NOT Need To Pity Their Abusers

Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse Have Super Powers


Warrior For Truth

Ways Flying Monkeys SIlence Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse

Ways Narcissists Try To Silence Their Victims (parts 1 and 2)

Ways People Excuse Abusive Behavior

Ways The Spirit Of Fear Can Manifest

Ways To Cope With A Narcissist

Ways To Help Someone With C-PTSD

Ways To Identify Controlling People 

Ways To Repel Narcissists

Ways To Shut Down Narcissistic Abuse

What It Really Means To Honor Abusive Parents

What Makes A Good Person Truly Good

What To Expect After Going No Contact

What To Expect From The Narcissist After You Go No Contact

What To Expect From Yourself After Going No Contact

What To Watch Out For With People Who Write About Narcissism

What To Watch Out For With Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse

What You Can Expect After No Contact, parts 1 and 2

When Broken People Are Toxic

When Narcissistic Parents Want Revenge

When Narcissistic Parents Try To Keep Their Children, Children Forever

When Narcissists Claim To Be The Real Victim

When Narcissists Go Too Far

When Narcissists Ignore You  

When People Blame Others For The Trauma They Experience

When People Don’t Believe Victims’ Stories Of Narcissistic Abuse

When People Play The Victim

When People Say Ridiculous Comments To Abuse Victims

When Someone Mentions A Relative Of Theirs Is An Outsider Or Outcast

When You Think Sacrificing Yourself Is The Only Way To Save Your Marriage

When Your Family Refuses To See You As Anything But A Dysfunctional Child

Willful Ignorance

Why Narcissists Feel They Must Know All About Their Victims After The Relationship Is OveWhen Your Family Refuses To See You As Anything But A Dysfunctional Child

Why Narcissists Play Dumb

Victims Discuss Their Experiences With Narcissistic Abuse

Why Some People Hate & Abuse Victims Of Narcissistic Abuse


You Are Not Responsible For How People Feel About You

You Matter So Don’t Let Anyone Make You Feel Otherwise

Your Feelings About No Contact With Your Narcissistic Parents Are Valid

Your Perceptions Of People Aren’t Always Accurate

“You Should Just Leave”